That's the dadgum truth, right there.
#disabled #disability #disabilityawareness #spoonie #accessibility #mentalhealth
Since this got so much attention, I'd like to use this moment of sunshine to invite you all to read with us next week:
That's the dadgum truth, right there.
#disabled #disability #disabilityawareness #spoonie #accessibility #mentalhealth
Since this got so much attention, I'd like to use this moment of sunshine to invite you all to read with us next week:
Ich oute mich jetzt mal: Ich habe keinen qualifizierten Hauptschulabschluss. Mir wurde damals gesagt, dass ich die Prüfung ohnehin nicht schaffe. Heute habe ich zwei Jobs, eine eigene kleine Firma. Ich habe an Hochschulen referiert und in diesem Jahr erscheint das vierte Buch, an dem ich beteiligt war.
Meine Cuties,
zuletzt hatten wir die Rechte queerer Menschen als Thema. Jetzt reden wir über Inklusion und die Rechte von Menschen mit Behinderung. Welche Partei möchte Inklusion wirklich umsetzen und wer hält an Ausgrenzung, Ausbeutung und ungleichen Chancen fest?
Meine Cuties,
reden wir mal über die Rechte queerer Menschen im Wahlkampf. Dafür nutze ich an der Stelle die Grafik des @lsvd
Time for a new #introduction as I have moved servers
My bio boils it down nicely, but long term bean counter still considering a move into technical writing, and finally being able to get back to my many, many interests and connect with similar minded folk:
Words matter! Kenji Yanagawa ( discusses the different ways to say 'people with disabilities' in Japanese and the ongoing debate about which term best represents the social model of disability. It's a fascinating look at how language reflects our values! Check it out: #LanguageMatters #Disability #DisabilityAwareness #JapaneseLanguage #a11y #Inclusion #JapaneseCulture
We are told to see therapists, psychiatrists, probation officers, court mediators, nutritionists, go to support groups, say positive affirmations, meditate, workout…
…and yet there is little to no acknowledgment that society at large bears the majority of responsibility for our challenges.
It is almost entirely up to us to fix problems which, mostly, we did not create. Even our family and friends blame us and tell us we should “just pray harder” or “just don’t do that” or “you should spend your money more wisely” or tell us to do all of the things mentioned in this post even though WE ARE ALREADY DOING ALL OF THEM.
There is a pervasive misunderstanding of mental and emotional wellness challenges, “mental illness”, in our society. We all have them.
Trauma caused by abuse, poverty and lack of access to services exacerbates them in some of us to the point that we get labeled as “mentally ill” or “criminal”.
Even when there is a medical consensus, or even a legal consensus, that any specific behaviors, such as addiction or manic behaviors, are outside of our control we are somehow still responsible.
We are locked up in hospitals and prisons, further alienating and traumatizing us. We are told to take medicines, which we do, that often lead to more challenges and do not cure our problems, sometimes they cause even more.
Zum Internationalen Tag der Menschen mit #Behinderungen möchte ich für Solidarität mit Menschen ohne Behinderung plädieren. Diese Menschen können nur ein bis zwei Mal jährlich über #Inklusion und #Ableismus reden. Sonst müssten sie sich mit den Themen ja wirklich beschäftigen.
Denkt immer daran: Existence is Resistance! Für uns ist jeder Tag ein Kampf um unsere Rechte und unsere Selbstbestimmung.
People with blindness spend, on average, 27% of their household income on expenses related to their disability – about $7,000 per year.
#disability #disabilityawareness