#anticapitalism #quotes #anticapitalistquotes #capitalism #banks #eattherich #feedthepoor #socialism #communism #anarchism #activism
@glyph It's really been one of those kinds of Saturdays already!
YOU -- Yes, you.
You are not a temporarily embarrassed, oppressed, not yet realized, millionaire, billionaire, or future, trillionaire either.
You're a regular individual who has better chances of being struck by lighting, than waking up rich through hard work and determination. It is time you grew up, and accept that.
#EatTheRich #Wealth #WealthTax #Healthcare
@TheBreadmonkey Things in the UK have indeed changed since 1966, when George Harrison groused about its 95% marginal tax rate in “Taxman”. #ukpoli #EatTheRich
@Npars01 @davidaugust Easy solution: kill all the billionaires. Oligarchs too.
They'll make excellent soylent green.
the weekly hours a single person receiving benefits must work at minimum wage to escape poverty.
Imagine President Obama turning the White House into an Apple store or President Biden turning it into a Microsoft data warehouse... Never in my life have I seen such a level of corruption and disrespect for the American people, for the world, for the highest office in any Democratic nation.
Die Frage, ob es sinnvoll ist, Klassenkampf zu betreiben oder nicht, beantworten die Reichen für uns: Die Vermögensentwicklung zeigt deutlich, dass sie sich dafür entschieden haben, Klassenkampf gegen uns zu betreiben. Es handelt sich also um reine Selbstverteidigung.
#klassenkampf #KlassenkampfVonOben #WirKönnenUnsDieReichenNichtMehrLeisten
Frågan om vi vill klasskamp eller ej är en icke-fråga. Som siffrorna av förmögenhetsutvecklingen visar har de rika bestämt att de vill föra klasskamp mot oss, så det handlar bara om självförsvar.
Erinomainen kirjoitus taloudellisen vallan käyttämisestä poliittisena valtana, by @riikkas : https://substack.com/home/post/p-158902161 #politiikka #EatTheRich
@xankarn Funny, you know what would make "Entitlement" programs more sustainable?
I was listening to a podcast on Trump's dismantling of the Department of Education (might have been The Daily) and related topics, and I heard one of the commentators refer to Betsy DeVos as a "billionaire philanthropist."
Glad I wasn't drinking milk.
I guess that's another term we can add to the list of oxymorons, like "jumbo shrimp" and "military intelligence."
Push it low,
push it low,
Push it down,
Push it down,
All the way to the ground.